
Monday, December 20, 2010

Bukidnon Cooperative Bank | The latest group who lighted their Christmas Tree at the Capitol Ground

Though they are the latest, it doesn't mean that they do not have the spirit of Christmas. That spirit somehow drove them to install the light in their assigned Christmas Tree, even though that they were late. Here are some of the things that I've observed;

1. They have the Spirit of Willingness to install the lights in their assigned Christmas Tree even though that they were late with the date set last December 1, 2010.
2. They did not just installed it, they even installed it with Full of Meaning on what Christmas  should be because it showed with the design of their Christmas tree. 
3. They crafted the materials installed with Full of Passion, Effort and Love.

Merry Christmas to All Bukidnon Bloggers Group!!! To all Bloggers in the Philippines and in the whole world!!! Job Well Done. Sharing of information through Blogging is really a tough job. That's the spirit of Christmas. Throughout the years, you did that sharing of information, even though Christmas celebrated in December but what you have done, all the days in the year, is really Christmas. So, keep blogging. Keep that passion of sharing. Congratulation also to Bukidnon Cooperative Bank for a job well done.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Gift Wrapper

It is not the gift that matters, much more on the wrappers that you use in wrapping the gifts during this yuletide season, but it is the HEART of Giving and not the ART of Giving - bonzenti

Practicality wise :

If you want to squeeze up your budget and you are tight right now or you  do not have more or extra money to buy wrappers in this gift giving season, here is an alternative tip for you. Gift wrapper out of the 2010 Calendars. For me, since I have spare of Land Bank Calendars, I used this as wrappers in wrapping the gifts as shown in the photo. I just would like to share it to you for practical reason. Newspaper is also a better idea. Today, we always deal with practicality in life. Its up to your decision whether you like to choose this option or not, but for me it looks nice, elegant and practically presentable. It is indeed the idea of my wife.

Merry Christmas, to All!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Tree Lighting at Provincial Capitol Ground - BUSCO Lights

Their version of the Holy Family

Approaching the Capitol ground at Dusk

At Dusk - "Lights, Line, Wall & Sky"

Abundant Harvest

The Full Capture

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Waiting Shed

A man builds a house in England with the expectation of living in it and leaving it to his children; we shed our houses in America as easily as a snail does his shell. - Harriet Beecher Stowe

Giving a shed for everyone who will benefit out of it,  sharing your talent with countless effort for a legacy, is worth enough to be remembered for the next generation to come, not the cost you spent today but the traces you leave to them- bonzenti panganiban
St. John School Shed- A PTA Project 2010-2011
Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, Philippines
Camera : Canon Powershot A1100 IS
Image Stabilizer

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Car's Tinted Window

Fifty years from now, it will not matter what kind of car you drove, what kind of house you lived in, how much you had in your bank account, or what your clothes looked like, But the world may be a little better because you were important in the life of a child. 
- anonymous
 A really tight friendship is when you start to really care about the person. If he gets sick, you kind of start worrying about him—or if he gets hit by a car. An everyday friend, you say, I know that kid, he's all right, and you don't really think much of him. But a close friend you worry about more than yourself. Well, maybe not more, but about the same.
Car's Tinted Window
Camera : Canon Powershot A1100 IS
Image Stabilizer

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Tree Lighting at Provincial Capitol Ground - Initial

The Christmas Tree Lighting event in the Provicial Capitol Ground is participated by mostly private corporations and agencies in the Province of Bukidnon. Some Provincial Government Offices lighted their building in participation of the private agencies such as the Sangguniang Panlalawigan. The following shots taken yesterday are the participating agencies;
 BUSECO - Bukidnon Second Electric Power Cooperative
The main source and distributor of Power in the Second District of Bukidnon. 
 The Sangguniang Panlalawigan Building
 The Uni-Frutti Group - Phils

 The Manger and the Holy Family presented by the Uni-Frutti Group-Phils
Part of Uni-Frutti's Belen that I also like most.

Some of the participating agencies were still in the process of installing their lights on the tree assigned to them. On the next photo blog, I will be featuring the full photos of the Provincial Capitol Christmas Tree Lighting once they are fully installed. See you on next photo blog....

Christmas Tree Lighting at 
The Provincial Capitol Ground - Initial
Camera : Canon Powershot A1100 IS
Image Stabilizer

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas Tree Lighting formally launch at Provincial Capitol and Malaybalay City Plaza, Today.

Together with Earl Bolivar of Bukidnon Photo Journal, (please click HERE) we first dropped by to take some shots today at the Capitol Ground. Here are my shots taken before we proceeded to the formal lighting ceremony in the Plaza Rizal.
Uni-Frutti Group, Phils.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Partners @ 40

“Words, like eyeglasses, blur everything that they do not make clear” -Joseph Joubert

“The act of putting pen to paper encourages pause for thought, this in turn makes us think more deeply about life, which helps us regain our equilibrium.”-- Norbet Platt   

When you reach at 40 with your wife, seemed that you are so dependent on each other and have always in thoughts that you wanted to grow old with her.

Pen and Eyeglasses
Camera : Canon Powershot A1100 IS
Image Stabilizer


Camera  : Canon Powershot A1100 IS
Image Stabilizer

Monday, November 29, 2010

Connections | Inter-connectivity

Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity.--Pema Chodron

As civilization grows more complex, it is simultaneously becoming increasingly interrelated. We are converging upon ourselves, and this is forcing us to relate.-----Anodea Judith

Don Carlos, Bukidnon
Camera  |  Canon Powershot A1100 IS
Image Stabilizer

Skylights | Intellect

“There are one-story intellects, two-story intellects, and three-story intellects with skylights. All fact collectors with no aim beyond their facts are one-story men. Two-story men compare reason and generalize, using labors of the fact collectors” -   Oliver Wendell Holme

Architectural meaning:
Skylight is an architectural term means daylighting. Daylighting is the practice of placing windows or other openings and reflective surfaces so that during the day natural light provides effective internal lighting.(courtesy of wikipedia)

Villa Estela Inn, Maramag,
Bukidnon, Philippines,
Camera : Canon Powershot A1100 IS
Image Stabilizer

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Lights at Night

Night time is really the best time to work.  All the ideas are there to be yours because everyone else is asleep.  ~Catherine O'Hara

Lighted capitol ground in Malaybalay City. How safe  it is even if there are lights surrounding the said capitol ground?
Lighted Capitol Ground
Camera : Canon Powershot A1100 IS
Image Stabilizer


“Camouflage is a game we all like to play, but our secrets are as surely revealed by what we want to seem to be as by what we want to conceal.”- J. Russell Lynes

Grass and Shadow
Camera  : Canon Powershot A1100 IS
Image Stabilizer

House of Leaders

Far View

Nearer View
What makes leadership is the ability to get people to do what they don't want to do and like it.
                                                                    - Harry Truman

Success is to be measured not so much by the position that
one has reached in life as by the obstacles which have been overcome while trying to succeed.
                                                        - Booker T. Washington

Leadership is not a one-day thing. It is a constant commitment to excellence, a habit . . a daily practice.
Leaders are not born. They are made. They are made just likeanything else. .  through hard work. That's the price we
have to pay to achieve that goal or any goal.
                                                                 - Vince Lombardi

House of Leaders
Provincial Capitol Building
Camera : Canon Powershot A1100 IS
Image Stabilizer

Friday, November 26, 2010


Now it had always been the custom for Moses whenever he went from his house to the Tabernacle to walk in the center, with Aaron at his right, Eleazar at his left, then the elders at both sides, and the people following in the rear. Upon arriving within the Tabernacle, Aaron would seat himself as the very nearest at Moses' right hand, Eleazar at his left, and the elders and princes in front. On this day, however, Moses changed this order; Aaron walked in the center, Moses at his right hand, Eleazar at his left, the elders and princes at both sides, and the rest of the people following.

Camera : Canon Powershot A1100 IS
Image Stabilizer

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Stages - 1,2&3 | Gaisano Mall of Malaybalay City

November 2009-Stage 1

January 2010 - Stage 2
November 2010 -  Stage 3

The stages of development of Gaisano Mall - Malaybalay City.

Stages of Development
Gaisano Mall
Malaybalay City, Bukidnon'
Camera : Canon Powershot A1100 IS
Image Stabilizer

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Butterfly | Portrait on a Wall

In nature a repulsive caterpillar turns into a lovely butterfly. But with humans it is the other way around:  a lovely butterfly turns into a repulsive caterpillar.  ---Anton Chekhov
Butterfly Wall Frame
@ Villa Estela Inn
Featured in Con Tour Blog
Camera  : Canon Powershot A1100 IS
Image stabilizer 

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Platoon Leader

"A platoon leader doesn't get his platoon to go by getting up and shouting, 'I am smarter. I am bigger. I am stronger. I am the leader.'  He gets them to go along with him because they want to do it for him and they believe in him." --Dwight D. Eisenhower

Capitol Flagpole, Malaybalay City
Camera : Canon Powershot A1100 IS
Image Stabilizer 

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Train up a fig tree in the way it should go, and when you are old sit under the shade of it. --- Charles Dickens (1812 - 1870)

Camera : Canon Powershot A1100 IS
Image Stabilizer



 "You write all the lessons of past experiences in life in the SAND, but you carve all the benefits in the STONE".-my own version.

Camera  :  Canon Powershot A1100 IS
Image Stabilizer


Blinds | Be blinded temporarily, better look up the other side of the horizon-- you may be right or wrong. Remember, realization always comes later - bonzenti
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